Here's a little peak of some decorations I will be using, handmade (though not all by me.)
These various items will adorn the flat for the Jubilee and I may well make some more, I have various ribbons and fabrics around, if I get time I'll see what I can some up with, alongside some lovely food (fingers crossed.)
As well as food and deco, entertainment is important, so yes tv events, possible local park (if weather holds up) but also at home I'm thinking British music and I have a list of possibles:
Take That, Oasis, Blur, Muse, classic rock, 60's - Cliff, Tom Jones etc
The King's Speech, Four Weddings, probably some drama/comedy too, can't beat Only Fools..oh the list goes on!
Looks like you've got it all planned! We had a garden party/BBQ today. Will try and post tomorrow. Hope you're enjoying the celebrations:)